Sunday 13 August 2017

RSVP for the #HoneyBash# to receive events updates, behind the scenes, and more!

RSVP for the #HoneyBash# to receive events updates, behind the scenes, and more!

Emmeline – Events and Exhibition Sept. 2017
1st Annual Honey Bash Gala
Date: 11th Septemeber – 16th September, 2017
Venue: 33 Ibru Merchandise, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria.

 #Sir Emmanuel Binitie# raises over $1000 for computer laboratory program research and awareness – Bee Foundation 
*Charity *Volunteering *Fund-raising

The Mannie Team rallies around following program proposition of Bee Foundation.

Bee Foundation is supported, accredited by “The Presidency, Niger Delta Development Commission”

- Engineering & IT Security - Web Development - Travels & Tours
Accountability processing, Springs Communications is a major donor and support to Bee Foundation. Bee Foundation now receives 2% of Springs Communications profits.

Bee Foundation major objectives are to create, support, learn, and achieve a better world through wealth creation and providing healthy awareness programs. Also, providing free scholarships is a priority at Bee foundation.

Bee Foundation is open to sponsorships, donations, supports, volunteering, and other fund raising events to promote her cause. Click here for more details about Bee Foundation.