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 The impact of technology; on how it affects your friendship, your children, your marriage, and your thinking.  Only a few disciplined person can tell that they control their devices and the other large amount of people are affected subtly in ways they do not realize - even in ways they do not want.  The CEO of Springs Communications welcomes you 👇 HOW DOES TECHNOLOGY AFFECT YOUR FRIENDSHIPS? Thanks to texting, email, videoconferencing, and social media, two people can communicate easily, even when they live comtinents apart. For them, technology is a useful servant. However, some people who primarily use technology to maintain friendships tend to ... ■ show less empathy for their friends ■ feel more lonely and empty ■ focus more on self than on others. WHAT YOU CAN DO ☆ Have more in-person conversation ☆ Become a better listener and check on friend going through a hard time  "The quiz event is a programme under the umbrella where students, educators, can learn, share, promote an
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Help Us Keep The Spirit of Unity Alive

Help us Keep the Spirit of Unity Alive! BEE Foundation, a registered Section of SpringsComm, is facing a crisis that threatens our ability to carry out the vital work we do in our community. Our current vehicle, which has been the lifeline of our mission, has come to a halt, leaving us stranded and unable to fulfill our commitment to those who rely on us. Our work is a labor of love, guided by the principles of love, kindness, and a relentless dedication to serving change in our community. Our vehicle is not just a mode of transportation; it is the vessel that carries hope to those who need it most. The tasks our vehicle performs are essential to our mission: 1. Dropping off and collecting donations for the less fortunate. 2. Transporting members to receive their life-saving medication from day hospitals. 3. Distributing food and essential materials to those in need. 4. Visiting schools to provide support and resources to underprivileged children. 5. Ensuring the safe transportation of

How to keep your body and soul in Good health

"Leaders rise to the top of an organization, as cream rises in milk." Stay tuned... 🤵 I’m sure you’ve heard people describe themselves this way. Maybe you’ve described yourself as burned out too. But have you stopped to wonder if this is accurate? And why does the label matter? I have spent a lot of time learning, thinking, and talking about work stress, and today I’m sharing my analysis with you from the perspective of both a evangelist and doctor. I also want to share what approaches work with each label so you can feel better. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.  - Mark 12:30" Recent studies have shown that people who practice their faith regularly may be getting some health benefits.  A study conducted by sociologists at Emaluck Institute found that 4 percent of those who regularly attended religious services reported poor health, compared with 9 percent of those who did not at

Keep Yourself Focused

  Engr. Emmanuel Eyitemi Binitie  (Dip., BSc., MSc., Ph.D) The Lan's of Forced Efficiency says, "There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important things." Here are some questions that you should ask yourself, to help keep you focused and working on your top tasks, activities, and responsibilities:  1. Why am I on the payroll? Exactly what have I been hired to do? What results are expected of me? You must be clear about your answer to this question. Discuss it with others. Ask your boss. 2. What are my key result areas? Of all the things I do; what are the most important results that I am expected to achieve in my position? There are seldom more than five to seven key result areas in any job. It is essential that you identify yours and then work in those areas all day long. 3 . What are my highest value activities? Of all the things I do, which activities contribute the greatest value to my company and to myself? You hav

Blockchain Technology in Accounting: Revolutionizing Transparency

Blockchain Technology in Accounting: Revolutionizing Transparency  Introduction: Blockchain technology has emerged as a revolutionary force, reshaping various industries. In the realm of accounting, transparency holds paramount importance. This article explores how blockchain is fundamentally altering traditional accounting practices, ushering in a new era of clarity and reliability. Understanding Blockchain in Accounting: Blockchain, at its core, is a decentralized and distributed ledger. In the context of accounting, this means transactions are recorded across a network of computers, eliminating the need for a central authority. This decentralized nature enhances transparency, as each participant in the network has access to the same set of unalterable records. Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, play a pivotal role. They automate financial processes, ensuring that predefined conditions are met before a transaction is

The Business General Based on True Life Story

   Click here for a recap video The Business General Based on True Life Story - by Engr. (Dr.) Emmanuel Binitie  Efficiency unleashed, I reaffirm that. These days, some call me CCTV, Prof., Mentor, Engineer, Doc., Evangelist, Minister, Daddy. It wasn’t free, I worked my way there. There was a time in 2021 when I arrived Ibadan prior to my late dad’s invitation. At that time, my dad was a real estate agent before he retired to the suburban to practice farming (piggery precisely). In a nutshell, I started working for the first time as a teacher of Financial Accounting and Commerce in a nearby Secondary School which I was paid N15,000 monthly. In 2022, I was ejected off my dad’s properties after his death by angry, jealous and ready to kill step brothers and sisters who attacked the residence fiercely with matchets and other weapons.    I know for peace to reign and not to be battered by the angry family mob, I had to leave and stay clear off site for my safety. However, these challenges


GET MORE FROM YOUR MEMBERSHIP WITH SPRINGSCOMM SERVICES Exclusive Benefits & Savings SpringsComm offers a wide variety of valuable services for individuals and businesses. This includes several kinds of technology innovations and management, financial audit reports, delivery services and much more. To protect members, SpringsComm is very selective about the partners we choose. We look for industry-leading providers who offer exclusive values and world-class customer service. Remember, they’re only available through SpringsComm. Membership Cards & Fees Membership fee is for one twelve (12)- month period from the date of enrollment of the primary cardholder Your card is valid at any SpringsComm Connect worldwide. If your card is ever lost or stolen, your picture prevents unauthorized use. Membership may be terminated at SpringsComm’s discretion. Cards remain the property of SpringsComm and must be returned upon request. Cards are not transferable. You will not receive a new membe