The aspiring
editor-in-chief looking for her first job
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Name: Kristen Loose
Age: 25
What Do you Currently Do or What Were You Doing?
I just graduated from Villanova University
in December, with a degree in English Literature. Now im doing the full-time
job-search thing, which is lovely and fun.
What Would You Say Is Your Dream Job?
Editor-in-chief of a food magazine! It's changed many times
over the years as everyone's does; you grow and you mature and you learn new
things. But, right now, that's what I'm leaning toward. Also, I want to get my
doctorate, probably in anthropology. I haven't really decided yet.
Which Magazine Would You Love to Work for?
I used to read Gourmet when I was growing up. I think they
stopped their print, but they are still online. I love Bon Appetit, too. Maybe
I'll have my own! Another magazine I like is Cherry Bomb, which only comes out
semi-annually. It's kind of like feminist and food publication, which is really
Why Food?
"English major" is one just one part of who I am.
I'm also kind of a foodie, and I do some baking on my own time.
I grew up in a pretty big family, so I was always around
food. My Sicilian mother had her "big sauce" meal on Sundays, and we
had big family gatherings where delicious food was a huge part of it. I love
it. I think it's a very unique way to bring people together. Everyone from all
over the world has their comfort food from home. It's nice to be able to share
How Did You Get to Where You Are Right Now?
Actually, I've had kind of an interesting journey. I
graduated high school and went off to college, but had to leave for a time due
to health issues (chronic migrane, etc). I hot a wall.
Many people have that happen to them in different ways. I've
just tried to stay true to myself and listen to what I like to do versus all
the other material things that can get in the way of life. So, I've gotten
here, to this park today, in a very roundabout way-but I'm here!
What Have You Learned Along Your Journey?
Stick to your guns. Sometimes you want to listen to
everyone's advice and it all in because you think "this person's in a
certain place in life, I should listen to what they have to say." But, at
the end of the day, it's your life and you have to try and make the decision
that's best for you. (Share This Wisdom)
What Is One Piece of Advice That Really Stands Out to You as
the Best Thing You've Learned From Someone Else?
I can't really think of a specific golden line. There's the
advice from people who tell you what you "should" be, right? They
tell you to be this or that , a teacher, a doctor, alawyer. But I think the
advice people want is how to get to where they want to be.
Do You Have a Favourite Quote That You Think of to Help You
Stay on Track?
There's a reality TV show out right now called So Cosmo. I
waswatching it for kicks because it revolves around Cosmopolitan magazine and
the publishing industry, and I'm looking at those types of jobs. In one
episode, the editor-in-chief has left, and the word she leaves her colleagues
with is, "Onwards." I thought it was such a simple way of saying
goodbye because it meant so much more than one little word.
Usually, we think 'onwards and upwards.' but for some
people, that's not necessarilly the right way to end it. In life, you might go
down, or in another direction, but at the end of the day, onwardsis the
wayeveryone is going.
Editorial Assistant at a Glance
Attention to detail, strong organizational and
time-management skills. Impeccable grammar and excellent writing skills.
Ability to meet deadlines.
What you can make within 0-3 years
Write and edit as needed, assist with social media strategy,
and assisting senior editors with research, reporting, and various
administrative tasks.
* Bachelor's degree in journalism or English Literature
* Execellent communication, writing, and editing skills.
Word of the Day
What it Means: A prophesy
Use it Without Sounding Like You Just Learned it Today
"James made the surprisingly accurate vaticination that
Daniel would bring a turkey sandwich and potato chips for lunch."
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