Before you leave home
✓ Check expiration dates on your driver’s license and passport
✓ Check your cell phone and medical/emergency coverage
✓ Have enough prescription meds to last a few extra days
✓Alert your credit card company
√Prepay all bills that aren’t paid automatically
✓ Stop your mail and newspaper. Visit for the form to hold mail.
✓ Clean out your refrigerator and dispose of all perishables, and ask a neighbor to set out your garbage.
✓ Give a house key to a neighbor.
✓ Make a plan for pets
✓ Turn off the water
✓ Lock doors and windows, and notify your local police department
✓ Adjust the thermostat
✓ Unplug electrical devices, except a timer.
✓ If driving, check road conditions online. Consider a GPS system or, at the very least, a compass.
That’s all it takes: a bit of planning, some organizing and your list.
Follow it carefully and you can eliminate a lot of stress. You’ll feel confident that you’ve packed the right clothes, brought enough medicine and unplugged the iron.
Enjoy the trip.
SpringsComm member Mannie Boom (Travel Guide) is a freelance travel writer.
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