The impact of technology; on how it affects your friendship, your children, your marriage, and your thinking. Only a few disciplined person can tell that they control their devices and the other large amount of people are affected subtly in ways they do not realize - even in ways they do not want. The CEO of Springs Communications welcomes you 👇 HOW DOES TECHNOLOGY AFFECT YOUR FRIENDSHIPS? Thanks to texting, email, videoconferencing, and social media, two people can communicate easily, even when they live comtinents apart. For them, technology is a useful servant. However, some people who primarily use technology to maintain friendships tend to ... ■ show less empathy for their friends ■ feel more lonely and empty ■ focus more on self than on others. WHAT YOU CAN DO ☆ Have more in-person conversation ☆ Become a better listener and check on friend going through a hard time ♧ "The inter-schools quiz event is a programme under the umbrella where students, educators...
This blog is a comprehensive detailed platform from Springs Communications which attributes the departments of the company and the business subsidiaries.