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SWEET FACTS ABOUT THE LITTLE BEE HONEY Honey, it is sweet. It is timeless. It is every flower in the middle of summer. It is a timeline into history. It is the only food that will never spoil. It is a yummy topping on toast. It is pure and unprocessed. It is soothing in tea. It is Aristotle’s nectar of the gods. It is our memory bring us back in time to Winnie the Pooh’s passion. It is liquid Gold. It is great in cooking. It is the only human food processed by insects. It is primarily composed of glucose, fructose, water, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It is delicious, it is lover’s calling with a simple HONEY, be mine!! Meaning of Little Bee Honey B – Binitie E – Eyitemi E – Emmanuel H – Healing O – Ointment N – Nutritious E – Energizing Y – Yummy “Start your day by sipping the energy drink prepared with a spoon of honey, lemon juice with a glass of warm water. Medical experts are of the opinion that, it helps the kidneys to flush out completely.” Benef...

2019/2020 Executive Summary (Investors and Shareholders)

Executive Summary 2019/2020 SpringsComm will become a leading player after the phase II project, with sales doubling, profitability enhanced and opportunity outshining risks. ·          The Business:- Springs Communications has progressed rapidly and above plan since opening in 2008. ·          Market Demand:- For travels and tours at SpringsComm, forecast is to grow at 4%/year to 2022. ·          Industry Competition:- competitive intensity is medium to high, with the main risks being a copycat entrant or web development going the way of the fad. ·          Strategy:- SpringComm is already a credible competitor to the likes of MTN in local “data science and management services” and will become a regional leader after the phase II project. ·          Resources:- The resource...


Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies. – NELSON MANDELA Forgiveness is a door to peace and happiness. It is a small, narrow door, and cannot be entered without stooping. It is also hard to find. But no matter how long the search, it can be found. At least that is what the men and women do as suggested by The Evangelical Ushers of Rock of Ages; perhaps you, too, will be led to the door of forgiveness. Just remember that once there, only you can open it. A few years ago, while on duty as The Head of Operations of The Security Department at Springs Communications, I was battered, attacked and wrongfully accused multiple times. I’m not going to tell you the details here – You will have to read on, keep track and get to read one of my books, precisely “ The Evolution”. I spent the next month and a half in Air force Base Sickbay. And for most of that period my situation was touch and go. I came close to dying, and when I’d pull out of those pa...

Medical Reliefs Given To The Public By The Church

The Evangelical Ushers of Rock of Ages has not only win souls for Christ home and abroad but has also indulged in charity projects giving health care to church members and the entire public at no cost. Our credit goes to Mrs. Oluwakemi Sebiotimo at the Rauf Aregbesola Medical Centre, Mosan-Okunola Local Council Development Area for the unending support in healthcare service and support for the BEE Foundation.   

Article - Tactical Networks

Tactical Networks Emmanuel Binitie, Computer Information Systems Department, European University of Lefke TRNC Tactical Networks is basically the deployment and custom engineering of cyber capabilities which is mostly used by the Military for communication networking. Recently in the 21 st Century it is proven that without a good background of tactical network there is certainly going to be a halt in communication from the base offices to the war front. Without adequate tactical network certainly there will be loss of information and status references. Tactical Network has its benefits and advantages; it is dynamic, effective, improved network security, and it will save millions of dollar spent on war and infrastructure. Also, it is regarded as a high based sophisticated network recommended for the military with software prototyping, deployment, and custom engineering of offensive cyber capabilities.The Army has changed the way it supplies network systems and capabilit...

Inspirational Quotes - Brace Up

10 Quotes That Will Surely Motivate You When Facing Huge Challenges When you’re going through something truly difficult, or if you have hit a roadblock, you may just want to roll over and give up. Everyone feels like that sometimes when they are facing challenges. But that’s where inspirational quotes come in! Hooray! But really, some of these quotes are truly poignant, and might be just what you need to change your perspective and see your struggles for what they are: an opportunity. 1. “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” ~ Bill Cosby Often, our stresses involve people: people not approving of your decisions, or wanting to change how you live your life, or even change you as a person. Bill Cosby knows what’s up. It’s impossible to please everybody, and if you attempt to do it, you’ll completely abandon any goals you had for yourself. If you believe you’re doing the right thing, do it. And if anybody objects, pull on your Cosby sweat...


Let me tell you a story A boy goes to the river. He dances at the bank of it, allowing the water to gently crawl on his legs, pouring sand between his toes and running back. He loves the chill and the motony of it. He falls in love with the river and the way the orange sun fell behind it in the evenings. He wanted to swim. He wanted an intimate relationship with the river. To travel up and down its body, caress it through and through till he knew every detail of it and it's sweet scent. Yet he feared the river. He feared because he had heard tales of men who had gone in and never swarm out. Whom the river, in its beauty had taken away to unknown lands. He would look at the river and see it calm, sober and welcoming but at the thought of going in, the river roared. The boy feared the river and yet, he loved it. I am that boy and you are the river.

Things You Should Do Before 30

You’ll Regret It If You Haven’t Done These 30 Things Before 30 Everyone has a bucket list. These days though, that isn’t enough. Indeed, there are now a bunch of things you should do not only before you die, but before you reach the ripe old age of 30. Here are a few I was able to whip up: 1. Go to college. Though it can be expensive, going to college is definitely worth the investment. You’ll make friends, acquire connections, and be around (moderately) smart people all day, every day. The younger you do it, the better. While it’s possible to launch your college career at 30 (and I’m not discouraging you), there’s no question you’ll have more energy to deal with the trials and tribulations of university life when you’ve got all that youthful energy to work with. 2. Watch Doctor Who. Ah, Doctor Who, one of the best science fiction shows in existence! This is a show that can change your entire perspective towards life (for the better) if you give it a chance, especially if you’r...

Chameleon found in northern Nigeria, precisely Maiduguri, Borno state.

This was found by ENGR. Dr. Emmanuel E. Binitie courtesy of Springs Communications at Borno State during the Humanitarian project. Chameleons or chamaeleons (family Chamaeleonidae) are a distinctive and highly specialized clade of Old World lizards with 202 species described as of June 2015.These species come in a range of colors, and many species have the ability to change color.   Chameleons are distinguished by their zygodactylous feet; their very extensive, highly modified, rapidly extrudable tongues; their swaying gait; and crests or horns on their brow and snout. Most species, the larger ones in particular, also have a prehensile tail. Chameleons' eyes are independently mobile, but in aiming at a prey item, they focus forward in coordination, affording the animal stereoscopic vision. Chameleons are adapted for climbing and visual hunting. They live in warm habitats that range from rain forest to desert conditions, with various species occurring in Africa, Madagascar, sout...

Business Today

10 Ways to kill a Group, Society, Association or Organization ·                     Stay Away from meetings ·                     If opportune to come, find fault ·                     Decline offices or appointment to committee ·                     Get angry if you are not nominated or appointed ·                     If named to a committee, don’t attend the committee meetings. ·                     If pres...