Wednesday 4 December 2019

2019/2020 Executive Summary (Investors and Shareholders)

Executive Summary 2019/2020
SpringsComm will become a leading player after the phase II project, with sales doubling, profitability enhanced and opportunity outshining risks.
·         The Business:- Springs Communications has progressed rapidly and above plan since opening in 2008.
·         Market Demand:- For travels and tours at SpringsComm, forecast is to grow at 4%/year to 2022.
·         Industry Competition:- competitive intensity is medium to high, with the main risks being a copycat entrant or web development going the way of the fad.
·         Strategy:- SpringComm is already a credible competitor to the likes of MTN in local “data science and management services” and will become a regional leader after the phase II project.
·         Resources:- The resource implications of SpringsComm strategy are in line with pas experience and under control.
·         Financials:- SpringsComm is forecast to grow revenues to over $10M USD and operating margin to 34% by 2022
·         Risk:- risks of fad, copycat, and shower build up are outshone by opportunities such as the proven concept, engineering and IT profitability, and replication at another site.
* Revenues by customer purpose
Business(Engineering & IT Security, Web Development, Travels & Tours)

*Revenues by products
Little Bee Honey
MB Clothing’s
Lifestyle Magazine
Solar Energy & Inverter

Wednesday 9 October 2019


Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies. – NELSON MANDELA

Forgiveness is a door to peace and happiness. It is a small, narrow door, and cannot be entered without stooping. It is also hard to find. But no matter how long the search, it can be found. At least that is what the men and women do as suggested by The Evangelical Ushers of Rock of Ages; perhaps you, too, will be led to the door of forgiveness. Just remember that once there, only you can open it.
A few years ago, while on duty as The Head of Operations of The Security Department at Springs Communications, I was battered, attacked and wrongfully accused multiple times. I’m not going to tell you the details here – You will have to read on, keep track and get to read one of my books, precisely “ The Evolution”. I spent the next month and a half in Air force Base Sickbay. And for most of that period my situation was touch and go. I came close to dying, and when I’d pull out of those patches, I wasn’t always sure I even wanted to live. Fortunately, I received a great deal of love from family, friends, and supporters, which helped pull me through those difficult days. Afterward, something gave me a new focus and strengthened my will to live; my now separated wife Karen Mathe who confidently supported the adoption of our first child.
Shortly after Daniel was abducted we had a press conference. Karen Mathe spoke for both of us. She told everyone how grateful I was to be alive and how proud I was to be The Head of Operations of the Security Department at Springs Communications. She said then as the head of security I had always wanted to help others, and that being financially and emotionally paralyzed hadn’t changed that desire. Then she announced that I had forgiven the people that blackmailed me and who tried to murder me.
Everyone seemed astounded, and ever since that day I’ve had people ask me, “WHY? Why mannie, why did you forgive them?” They say, “I cant even get along with my sister” (or their brother, or mother or dad)” and they haven’t really done anything to hurt me. They’re just mean. So how on earth could you do such a thing?”
Again, I’m not going to get into the details except to say that I needed healing-badly-and found out that the only way forward was with love. And I learned that one of the most beautiful expressions of love is forgiving. I know that will sound illogical or impossible to some. Others will find it downright ridiculous. But I’m talking as one who has lived through this.
You see, I grew up in an alcoholic and drug inflated household. My father was never there for us, my mother was a raging alcoholic and consistently on medical drugs dosage, and when I say raging, I mean pots and pans being thrown. Demoralizing torturing on the children. I can remember her throwing chairs and saying all sorts of curses. It took me years to forgive my father and mother of all the barbaric actions and unthinkable decisions. Why? Because I wasn’t living in the present.
If you want to know what that has to do with forgiving, let me tell you; with bitterness, you’re always dragging yourself back, in your mind, to the past. You keep reliving things people did or said to you, over and over and over. And in the long run, no one can live in two places at once like that-in the past and the present. It’ll drive you to the grave.

Bitterness, as the previous story show, is more than a negative outlook on life. It is a power-and a destructive and self destructive one at that. Like a cancerous cell, a dangerous mold, or a spore, it thrives in the dark recesses of the heart and feeds on every new thought of spite or hatred that come our way. And like an ulcer aggravated by worry or a heart condition made worse by stress, it can be physically as well as emotionally debilitating. In fact, if not addressed and taken care of, bitterness can lead to death. 

·         Believe in Miracles (Hope for a great sea-change on the far side of revenge. Believe that a further shore is reachable from here. Believe in miracles and cures and healing wells. – SEAMUS HEANEY)

SpringsComm Reporters:
I have lost my daughter, and we shall miss her. But I bear no ill will. I bear no grudge…That will not bring her back…Don’t ask me, please, for a purpose… I don’t have an answer. But I know there has to be a plan. If I didn’t think that, I would commit suicide. It’s part of a greater plan…and we shall meet again.
                                                                                                        Mr. Oluwafemi Omatsheyinmi

Recited by millions from childhood on, the Lord’s prayer includes the plea, “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” Familiar as it is, I often wonder whether we sufficiently consider their meaning. To me, at least, they imply that once we recognize our own need for forgiveness we will be able to forgive. This recognition does not come to most of us easily, because it demands humility. But isn’t humility the essence of forgiveness?
In a chapter of the Gospel of Matthew known as the Beatitudes, we are told that the meek will be blessed and inherit the earth. And in the parable of the unmerciful servant, Jesus warns us not to treat others anymore harshly than we would want to be treated.
In my experience, the strongest motivation for forgiveness is always the sense of having received forgiveness ourselves, or-if we do not have that-awareness that, like everyone else in the human race, we are imperfect and have done things we need to be forgiven for.
In a passage of the Gospels known as the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us not only to love our enemies, but even to “bless” those who persecute us. It wasn’t just a sermon. When we love someone who hates us, an ancient Hebrew proverb tells us, we “heap burning coals on his head.”
A text from the book Strength to love by Martin Luther King- love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. Forgive when reconciling is impossible.

See how a smallest resentment can blossom and bear deadly fruit.
A Poem titled “A Poison Tree” by William Blake  -
I was angry with my friend.
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it in fears,
Night and morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles

And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright;
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine,

And into my garden stole,
When the night had veiled the pole:
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

                                                                                                Article by Evangelist Emmanuel Binitie

Saturday 7 September 2019

Medical Reliefs Given To The Public By The Church

The Evangelical Ushers of Rock of Ages has not only win souls for Christ home and abroad but has also indulged in charity projects giving health care to church members and the entire public at no cost.

Our credit goes to Mrs. Oluwakemi Sebiotimo at the Rauf Aregbesola Medical Centre, Mosan-Okunola Local Council Development Area for the unending support in healthcare service and support for the BEE Foundation. 


Friday 16 August 2019

Article - Tactical Networks

Tactical Networks
Emmanuel Binitie, Computer Information Systems Department, European University of Lefke TRNC

Tactical Networks is basically the deployment and custom engineering of cyber capabilities which is mostly used by the Military for communication networking.
Recently in the 21st Century it is proven that without a good background of tactical network there is certainly going to be a halt in communication from the base offices to the war front. Without adequate tactical network certainly there will be loss of information and status references.

Tactical Network has its benefits and advantages; it is dynamic, effective, improved network security, and it will save millions of dollar spent on war and infrastructure. Also, it is regarded as a high based sophisticated network recommended for the military with software prototyping, deployment, and custom engineering of offensive cyber capabilities.The Army has changed the way it supplies network systems and capabilities to operational units by incrementally aligning the delivery of new technology with the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) process. This effort will drive networked capabilities down to the small unit and Soldier level — those at the tactical edge who need these critical capabilities the most.

When we talk about the general dynamism, apparently tactical networks are either wired or wireless and each device of nodes is interconnected to each other and thereby improving automation and effective communication between the users of this custom engineered network. In military networks an officer can easily notify his colleagues or army of an intruder or incoming danger which was first detected by this custom engineered security devices. This will definitely save lives because there is effective information communication with the help of this tactical networks.
Improved software prototyping makes it easy for users to prompt instructions or direct communication through a transport communication scheme which could either be UDP or TCP (User Datagram Protocol or Transmission Control Protocol). These communications is modified and efficient with the help of each device IP (Internet Protocol) address for identification and location. First there must be a common operating environment which all network applications must work with.

In the areas of deployment, custom engineering can also help in programming devices which can be either communication devises or explosives, or any other sophistical programmed device that has been networked either wired or wireless from a base station which is fairly known computer to be either a server or control system. If we have the air force military networked to the Battalion force of the ground army and also network to the Navy there will be adequate update communication and information transferability in data programs that is understood by the networked devices and it will be displayed at the user graphical interface for communication. All forces stay connected and work smarter.
Very importantly, tactical networks are known to be highly sophisticated networks with high standard security. Also, deployment of tactical networks does not inevitably need branches and unnecessary infrastructure and it cut cost. Certainly, tactical network is inevitable in the 21stcentury.
Brogan, K. S. & Brewer, R. (2003).Writer’s market. Cincinnati, OH

Friday 2 August 2019

Inspirational Quotes - Brace Up

10 Quotes That Will Surely Motivate You When Facing Huge Challenges

When you’re going through something truly difficult, or if you have hit a roadblock, you may just want to roll over and give up. Everyone feels like that sometimes when they are facing challenges. But that’s where inspirational quotes come in! Hooray!

But really, some of these quotes are truly poignant, and might be just what you need to change your perspective and see your struggles for what they are: an opportunity.

1. “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” ~ Bill Cosby

Often, our stresses involve people: people not approving of your decisions, or wanting to change how you live your life, or even change you as a person.

Bill Cosby knows what’s up. It’s impossible to please everybody, and if you attempt to do it, you’ll completely abandon any goals you had for yourself. If you believe you’re doing the right thing, do it. And if anybody objects, pull on your Cosby sweater and give them a good, intimidating stare.

2. “Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to be truly affected by things.” ~ Zooey Deschanel

So you’re really sad about something. That’s okay. Let it all out.

Our society seems to think that if you’re sad, or angry, or anything but happy really, that it’s a terrible thing. Of course, you should strive to be generally happy. But you’re allowed to have fleeting moments of intense emotions, even if they hurt.

If you’re facing a huge challenge that is truly difficult, let your emotions out, and talk to people you care about. Allow yourself to be affected.


Okay, maybe not quite that intensely.
3. “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.” ~ Seth Godin

Maybe your challenge involves being scared out of your wits, because you’re afraid to fail, or you’re going into completely uncharted territory.

Embrace that fear and just do it. On your deathbed, you won’t regret trying—but you will most definitely regret not trying just because you were afraid.
4. “Every flower must grow through dirt.” ~ Unknown

I love this quote. And it’s true: if you’re going to grow, flourish, and bloom, you’re going to have to work yourself through some dirt first.


Just keep on growing.
5. “Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo.” ~ Jon Sinclair

So many people fear failure—often, more than anything else—but it’s something everybody does at some point.

You’re learning. Just like walking or riding a bike, the beginning stages might involve a few tumbles and a few bruises. That’s all failure is. It’s a little fall, and it’s a bruise. You get back up, brush yourself off, and keep on going. Soon, the bruise will be completely gone.

I mean, unless your failure involves something like this:


Can’t help ya there, bud.
6. “I said, ‘Somebody should do something about that.’ Then I realized, I am somebody.” ~ Lily Tomlin

You can, and will, make mistakes. But never make the mistake of thinking that you can’t enact change.

When life’s giving you some hurdles, it can be easy to feel small and insignificant. But that is never the case.

You can change the world.

7. “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” ~ Henry David Thoreau


No, not that kind of lost.

Being totally happy with life is great, but you learn nothing about yourself from it. Most of what we learn about ourselves, we learn during our struggles.

Use this as an opportunity to see what you’re really made of.
8. “What am I doing?! Oh, yeah. Following my dreams. Okay. Calm down.”

This is just a little tidbit I found on Pinterest that really resonated with me. There’s going to be a point when even the most dedicated of us doubt our paths.

When you are going after your dreams, you’re trying something totally wild. Of course you’re going to feel like a fish out of water every now and then. Don’t flop around and freak out—just keep on swimming, like this overly extended metaphor is.

9. “Don’t compare your Chapter 1 to someone else’s Chapter 20.” ~ Unknown

So you fail at something, or you’re facing a challenge. And you think, “I’ll never be as good as *insert famous example here.* I might as well give up.”

This is where this quote comes in.

It’s something that I’ve always had to repeat to myself as a writer. And if you want to do, well, anything, it’s a quote that you will need at least once in your life.

Never compare yourself to anyone but the past you. Everyone has different experiences, different opportunities, different lives.

There’s just no point to comparing yourself to someone with far more experience than you. You’ll get there.

10. “You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.” ~ Rolling Stones

This is a classic that everyone can use every now and then. Maybe you didn’t get what you wanted this time. But that’s because you didn’t need it, and your life is making room for new opportunities.

You’ll only be able to fully see this in the future, when you can look back on it (hindsight is 20/20, after all). So for now, while you are actively facing challenges, just breathe and let it happen.

Sunday 10 February 2019


Let me tell you a story

A boy goes to the river. He dances at the bank of it, allowing the water to gently crawl on his legs, pouring sand between his toes and running back. He loves the chill and the motony of it. He falls in love with the river and the way the orange sun fell behind it in the evenings. He wanted to swim. He wanted an intimate relationship with the river. To travel up and down its body, caress it through and through till he knew every detail of it and it's sweet scent. Yet he feared the river. He feared because he had heard tales of men who had gone in and never swarm out. Whom the river, in its beauty had taken away to unknown lands. He would look at the river and see it calm, sober and welcoming but at the thought of going in, the river roared. The boy feared the river and yet, he loved it.
I am that boy and you are the river.

Monday 17 December 2018

Things You Should Do Before 30

You’ll Regret It If You Haven’t Done These 30 Things Before 30

Everyone has a bucket list. These days though, that isn’t enough. Indeed, there are now a bunch of things you should do not only before you die, but before you reach the ripe old age of 30. Here are a few I was able to whip up:

1. Go to college.
Though it can be expensive, going to college is definitely worth the investment. You’ll make friends, acquire connections, and be around (moderately) smart people all day, every day. The younger you do it, the better. While it’s possible to launch your college career at 30 (and I’m not discouraging you), there’s no question you’ll have more energy to deal with the trials and tribulations of university life when you’ve got all that youthful energy to work with.

2. Watch Doctor Who.
Ah, Doctor Who, one of the best science fiction shows in existence! This is a show that can change your entire perspective towards life (for the better) if you give it a chance, especially if you’re still an impressionable teenager. Plus, it’s the longest running sci-fi series ever, so if you start watching it as a youngster, it’ll probably still be there for you to enjoy once you’re middle aged or older.

3. Start a workout regimen.
People who are fit later in life started making the right choices at a young age. If you build the foundation in your teens and twenties, finding the time to go exercise for 45 minutes a day is a relatively easy task. Once your fitness plan becomes part of your routine, you’ll find it difficult to live without it. I’d outline the benefits of this, but they’re pretty self-explanatory.

4. Play video games.
Not to lecture the baby boomers among us, but a lot of problems would be solved in today’s world if people found the time to play video games. They improve your reaction times, allow you to become familiar with all kinds of technologies, and introduce you to fantastical stories and worlds. Don’t miss out on one of the best inventions of the last century; pick up a controller today!

5. Read a history book.
As a history major, I’m probably biased in suggesting this, but oh well! It angers me how the majority of people reference the past in vague platitudes that are no more accurate than your favorite Greek myth. Start educating yourself at an early age, and learn the truth. You’ll be amazed how often you catch politicians and pundits lying once you’ve read actual historical sources!

6. Get a smartphone!
Yup, I added an exclamation point. These little devices are pretty much a necessity if you want to take advantage of everything life has to offer. They boost your productivity, social networking potential, and familiarity with technology by a bucket load, so it’s best to become acquainted with them before you reach the three decade mark.

7. Build a computer.
In today’s world it’s useful to know how computers work, inside and out. While you don’t have to be a programming expert, you should at least be able to open up your desktop tower and know what you’re looking at. I’m by no means a math and science oriented person, but it’s still useful to be able to do these things without having to rely on ridiculously overpriced services like Geek Squad. Why do this before hitting 30? We live in an age of technology; knowing little things like this can give you the upper hand in the job market. Plus, it’ll save you a lot of money in the long run if you start tinkering early.

8. Fire a gun.
Before I get gun activists yelling at me, I swear I have a good reason for putting this here. I didn’t fire a gun until I went to a range a couple of years ago, and while it didn’t make me an ammo-spewing maniac, it did teach me to respect how powerful these things are. If anything, you should get a sense of the damage they can do in order to better understand the ongoing US Second Amendment debate as an adult.

9. Find a best friend.
I’m an introvert, so I couldn’t care less about having tons of friends. All you really need are two, three, or even just one best friend to make the world a brighter place. These sorts of relationships are more easily forged when young, and they’ll last a lifetime.

10. Write a fictional story.
I know most people hate writing, but hear me out on this one. Everyone should try writing a piece of fiction when they are young and imaginative, not only because it’s fun but because you’ll develop your writing skills (which most people neglect nowadays). Additionally, you may be surprised at what you come up with.

11. Read or watch the news.
I lectured baby boomers once in this article and now I’ll do the same to millennials. While the news is usually boring and/or extremely biased, it’s nice staying up to date on current events. It’ll also help when talking to older people, since they appreciate when us young folks are aware of all the important (and unimportant) things happening around the world.

12. Watch “Rocky.”
Everyone references this famous underdog flick, but few have actually watched it in its entirety. The original “Rocky” was nothing like the exaggerated stuff that came later with Ivan Drago and Clubber Lang. It was an emotional and gritty tale about a destitute Italian boxer trying to prove his self-worth by accomplishing something that nobody believed he could do. This is the type of Cinderella story everyone needs to see at a young age, especially since we’re living in a time of economic hardship. If nothing else, it will inspire you to finish that paper you need to write!

13. Address your own political biases.
Everyone is biased when it comes to politics. That being said, it’s better to know where you stand than to foolishly assume that all of your views are always correct. That is why you should become familiar with whatever political positions go against yours, especially at a young age when you are more open to considering multiple angles. I did this by growing up in a conservative town and attending a super liberal university. While it was a bit jarring going between each, it was a worthwhile experience that helped me attack my own biases and misconceptions.

14. Go to a foreign country.
I haven’t done this yet myself, but I’m definitely making it a goal to do it before I hit 30. Why? Mainly because I’ve had several friends who’ve gone, and they each came back to the United States filled with more wisdom and acceptance for other ways of life than they had before. It’s best to do this when you’re young since you still have a moderate amount of freedom to move around, and because there are lots of opportunities to go abroad through colleges.

15. Rock out at a concert.
I generally dislike being around people (cue high-functioning sociopath jokes here). That being said, even I enjoy a jaunt to a concert every now and then. You can definitely do this after 30, though I doubt it’ll be as much fun since you more than likely won’t want to be stuck in a writhing mass of young people doing all sorts of strange dance moves.

16. Familiarize yourself with a foreign language.
Notice I didn’t say “learn” or “become fluent in,” though that would be nice too. As long as you can become decently acquainted with a language, I’ll give you a pat on the back (or a high five, whichever works). The younger you are, the easier it is to pick languages up, so there’s no excuse not to try!

17. Pull an all-nighter.
While you could do this at 30 or above, you’ll probably acquire some form of narcolepsy and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone! This is much easier to do when you’re a hip and happening college-aged kid, so do it while you can. I can vouch for the fact that seeing the sun rise twice in a day is pretty sweet.

18. Troll a celebrity on Twitter.
We all know how self-important celebrities can be. Turns out they’re like that on Twitter, too. Do yourself a favor and try trolling them with a few witty, sarcastic, or borderline rude tweets. Sometimes they’ll reply to you … that is, if you’re good. If you do this before you hit 30 they’ll forgive you for being a crazy kid, past that and you might get hit with a lawsuit.

19. Go on an insanely long hike.
I’m talking like a six- to twenty-mile odyssey. Preferably one that goes uphill the entire way. You’ll feel accomplished, and you’ll lose so many calories that you can eat whatever you want for a week! By doing this before 30, you lessen the risk of passing out and tumbling down the mountain.

20. Watch “24.”
What? You’re under 30 and haven’t watched Jack Bauer shoot down a helicopter with his pistol? Sure, you could watch this fantastic television series when you’re older … but then you’ll miss out on one of the best (and sometimes unintentionally hilarious) shows of the 21st century, and you’ll miss out on all of the cool references at parties. It’s been out since 2001 so you have no excuse!

21. Acquire a taste for coffee.
Coffee is great. I’m in my twenties and I go through at least three, four, five, sometimes six cups a day. Not only is coffee arguably good for you, it’ll keep you awake while you’re in college or grad school. Let’s face it, you’ll be drinking it later in life regardless, why not start while you’re young so that you can take advantage of its magical powers now?

22. Get lost while driving.
This will probably happen regardless of you reading this list or not, but still, in the case that your GPS never messes up (unlike mine), turn it off one day and go explore. When you’re young, you have the time to do random stuff like this; plus, you have an excuse to get lost since you have no life experience yet and folks will understand (right?).

23. Learn some astronomy.
This could be a class you take in college, or something you do on your own time. Either way, learning about space (the final frontier) is an awesome experience. Looking up into the night sky and seeing all of the stars is humbling, and makes you forget your earthly issues. This sensation only becomes more powerful once you know exactly what you’re looking at. This is better to do in your formative years so that you can use your youthful vigor to demand more funding for NASA. (Yes, I am biased!)

24. Don’t listen to conventional wisdom.
As a young person, you’re often told by others that you can’t or shouldn’t follow your dreams because of X or Y. Don’t listen to all of that jazz. They’ve never been in your shoes, and there’s no way things can turn out too badly if you put enough effort into what you’re doing. You only have one shot to live life the way you want to, so don’t miss your chance!

25. Get yourself organized!
My mom is an elementary school teacher, and she always talks to me about how one of the main skills they teach kids is how to keep their lives in order. Evidently this is an issue even amongst college-aged kids (as I can attest to). So, fix this by injecting a little bit of OCD into your life at an early age. Keep post-its, uh, posted around your desk to remind you of things you need to do. Use the reminders app on your iPhone. Keep a planner, and update it regularly.

26. Stop drinking soda.
It was tough, but when I was around 16 I cut myself off from soda for good. At first I couldn’t fathom drinking plain old water or iced tea at restaurants or at home, but over time I got used to it, and eventually acquired a taste for it. Nowadays, all of that high-fructose corn syrup in soda is overwhelming (read: disgusting) to my taste buds. Get started on quitting the sweet stuff before 30, and you’ll be healthier for the rest of your life.

27. Take a theater class!
I always hated theater in junior high and high school. As a senior in college, I discovered that I had room in my schedule to take an intro to theater class, and while I was fearful at first, I begrudgingly enrolled because I wanted to broaden my horizons. I knew I made the right choice after the first day of class. Take this when you’re young because you’ll learn valuable lessons about interacting with people, how to lose your stage fright, and stuff like that. I also got a girlfriend out of the class so I really can’t complain!

28. Become a leader.
People generally shy away from leadership positions. I’m no exception. That being said, as I did with theater, I bit the proverbial bullet and took on a leadership role in college to get over my fears. Turns out I wasn’t so bad at it! Everyone should have some sort of experience directing things while they’re young; you’ll become more of an independent thinker and won’t take as much crap when you’re older.

29. Move out of your parents’ house.
Sure, sticking around with Mom and Dad will save you tons of money. By the time you’re 29 though, you should really start thinking about getting your own place, not only for your own sake but for your parents’, who by that point are probably fantasizing about being empty-nesters day and night.

30. Cook your own meals for a week.
Most Americans go out to eat more than they make their own meals (no, I don’t have a statistic, but I’m probably right). In college I had to cook for myself regularly, and while it wasn’t always pretty, I became quite creative with what I was putting on the plate. Plus, it’s good practice for when you’re older and need to stick to a strict budget (eating out is so expensive). It’s far easier to choose to cook your own dinner when you know how to make things that are actually (mostly) edible!